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what exactly is
Spiritual Direction?

Excellent question! I'm so glad you asked. First let me say, that Spiritual Direction often means something completely different from one person to another. For me and for the sessions and offerings I provide, Spiritual Direction is experienced in the context of a relationship between two (or more) people who have placed their faith in God.  In this and most relationships the spiritual director serves as a listener; a discerning guide who comes alongside one who is seeking to be attentive to God ‘s movement in their life.


The desire for spiritual direction is often prompted by a season of hardship or of blessing. Regardless of  the circumstance, the spiritual direction relationship offers a safe and sacred space of exploration believing that God, through the Holy Spirit is always moving toward us, forming us into the image of His Son, and inviting us into the intimacy of the Trinity.  In addition, and depending on your personal faith walk, we can and are encouraged to explore the Blessed Mother and the saints as well.

** Many people have asked,  "what is the difference between an "ordained" spiritual director  an "of the religious" spiritual director and a "lay" spiritual director?" ALL those who are ordained (Bishops, priests and deacons), are "the religious" (Nuns, Sisters, Brothers and Monks) and the laity (those who are NOT ordained or take religious vows) are trained to provide direction/companionship to men and women. Most ordained and those who have taken holy vows,  receive their spiritual director training within their formation program. The Laity/layperson must attend, complete and be certified in a program specifically designed to teach one how to be a spiritual director/companion.

So it is really more a matter of preference. Some people seek to discuss religious matters with those who have been ordained or taken holy vows. Others feel more comfortable discussing their religious matters with those who are not ordained (these are know as the lay person or the laity). 

I am a certified spiritual director who received my certification through the San Damiano Franciscan House of Prayer in conjunction with  Merrimack College in Andover, MA. I am a person who has NOT chosen to be ordained or taken holy vows, I am part of the laity/lay person.

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